Jägermeister the playoffice 1. Juli 2020 By Nicole Losos for Jägermeister 2020interiorlifestyleofficeshowroomHomeoffice & workstorytelling & spaces - more information -
Headsquarter Coworking spaces in Zuerich 1. Juli 2020 By Nicole Losos for Headsquarter 2020co-workinginteriorlifestyleofficeHomeoffice & workstorytelling & spaces - more information -
Textile Future 7. Januar 2020 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Trevira co-workingexhibitionsexperimentlifestylesustainabilityart & media installationsexhibitions & cultureHomeoffice & workproducts & materialsstorytelling & spaces - more information -
ADDIT for Rolf Benz 27. November 2019 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Rolf Benz 2019furniturelifestyleseatingsofafurnitureHomelivingmodular systems - more information -
work capsules 10. Oktober 2019 By Chrissie Breinlinger for studio aisslinger 2018lifestylenormadic architectureoffice & workproducts & materialsstudio aisslinger - more information -
Stayery Berlin 25. Juli 2019 By Chrissie Breinlinger for stayery 2019lifestyleserviced apartmentsfurnitureHomehospitalitylivingnormadic architecturestorytelling & spaces - more information -
Pharmacy of the Future at Schultheiss Quartier Berlin 20. November 2018 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Heike Zweydinger 2018interiorkitchenlifestylelightingretailshop conceptlightingoffice & workretailstorytelling & spaces - more information -
Co-working at The Circle Cologne 19. September 2018 By Chrissie Breinlinger for 25h Hotels 2018caféco-workinginteriorlifestylelivingofficefurniturehospitalitylivingnormadic architectureoffice & work - more information -
Monkey Bar at The Circle Cologne 19. September 2018 By Chrissie Breinlinger for 25h Hotels 2018barlifestyleseatingstoolart & media installationsdining & barsfurnitureproducts & materialsstorytelling & spaces - more information -
Neni Restaurant at The Circle Cologne 19. September 2018 By Chrissie Breinlinger for 25h Hotels 2018collectionhotelinteriorlifestylerestaurantseatingdining & barsfurniturehospitality - more information -
Fincube 25. Dezember 2017 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Fincube 2009fincubelifestylelivingHomenormadic architecturestorytelling & spaces - more information -
Loftcube 1. Oktober 2016 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Loftcube 2003lifestylelivingloftcubeHomenormadic architecturestorytelling & spaces - more information -
Loftcube Spa 9. Februar 2016 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Loftcube 2003lifestylelivingHomenormadic architecturestorytelling & spaces - more information -
Luftcube Nagold 31. Januar 2016 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Loftcube 2012lifestylelivingnormadic architecturestorytelling & spaces - more information -
Meisenthal – Le Feu Sacre 9. Februar 2015 By Chrissie Breinlinger for CIAV Meisenthal 2012glasslifestyleproductsproducts & materials - more information -
Mesh Vases at Pratt Manhattan Gallery 9. Februar 2015 By Chrissie Breinlinger for CIAV Meisenthal 2012glasslifestyleexhibitions & culturemuseum shows - more information -
Table Hub 5. Februar 2015 By Chrissie Breinlinger for DuPont 2006lifestyleproductsproducts & materials - more information -
Iconograph Wall Clock 29. Januar 2015 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Lorenz 2012clocklifestyleproductsproducts & materials - more information -
Communicator Refrigerator 29. Januar 2015 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Changhong 2012lifestylerefrigeratorHomeproductsproducts & materials - more information -
LED TV´s GRID + Display 29. Januar 2015 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Changhong 2010lifestyletelevisionUncategorized - more information -
Iconograph 17. Januar 2015 By Chrissie Breinlinger for Lorenz 2011lifestylewatchHomeproductsproducts & materials - more information -