Conmoto Pad Collection



Year: 2016
Account: Conmoto

Account: Conmoto

Pad collection:

The Pad Collection by Werner Aisslinger represensts a symbiosis of traditional furniture-typology upgraded by the requirements of modern everyday life.  It consists of a dinner- and working-table, as well as a coffeetable and a storage system equipped with modern charging-systems for all electronic devices. The elegant shells are made of 100% recyclable formfleece, soft and resistant at the same time.

Pad box
The Coffetable offers additional storage space as well as an electronical charging station, a totally new furniture-typology on the market. In our everyday life electronical gadgets play a more present role than ever. „Pad box“ connects several different topics – as an elegant storage for our modern tools it can be used as a furniture accessory in the living room or beside the bed.

Pad panel
Pad panel is installable on every wall as an upgrade to our everyday living environment. Suitable as shelf, small work-station or charging station, it offers a most flexible usabilitly in interiors. It offers additional storage space at the right spot, organizing all electronical devices easily.

Pad table
Tables play an essential role in our contemporary interior – family life happens here:
Preparing meals, doing homework, working on the laptop, celebrating, chatting as well as gathering with friends and family. Werner Aisslinger´s „pad table“ adds another tray to a traditional piece of furniture, where all modern communication tools can be stored and organized. All devices can be directly connected to the table, charging stations and cables are hidden inside the box which offers enough space to even store a laptop or an i-phone as soon as the scenery changes from work to leisure. The coverage of the tray also works as a privacy-panel which can seperate different modes of use on one table.